Tag: WeeklySummary

  • The Final Week of DS106

    As DS106 comes to an end I look back at my transformative experience. I learned how to use creative narrative techniques with digital tools to create compelling stories. I also deepened my understanding of narrative structures and audience engagement. The course felt like a collaborative environment where students from diverse backgrounds shared insights and learned…

  • Week 14 Summary & Video Project

    For week 14 our main objective was our video project. Below I have attached a link to view our final video project. For my project I decided to work with Andrew Johnson and Jackson Beale. We incorporated our created AI characters as well as Dr. Oblivion. Our video explains the pros and cons of using…

  • Week 13 Summary

    Week 13 was really light. The main focus for this week was our final project. I decided not to do any daily creates this week, as I wanted my focus to be on the final project. Not that I don’t love doing daily creates, I just wanted to really focus on working on the project.…

  • Week 12 Summary

    Week 12 definitely felt like a short one. As the main focus of this week was our video project. However, we still had our daily creates. Let’s start with the daily creates for this week. We only had to complete 3 for week 12. My favorite would probably have to be the https://andrewpoon.org/daily-create/spiral-gyra/. The reason…

  • Week 11 Summary

    As the week goes by, I look back on the week and I think to myself what a crazy week. For starters Hearing everyone’s radio show was really enjoyable. I love seeing how different and creative other groups radio show was. Everyone had different approaches and different techniques used. One radio show I really enjoyed…

  • Week 10 Summary

    As this week comes to an end, I look back at what I accomplished as well as what my group accomplished. For starters we completed our radio show. We worked really hard on this project, and I think the finished product shows for our efforts. We used many different applications to create our show. We…

  • Week 9 In the Books

    As I look back at the week the first thing that stands out to me is the progress my group has made on the radio show. We have a couple of radio bumpers and introductions ready to pick from to incorporate in our radio show. All of our radio bumpers and introductions were made on…

  • Adios Week 8

    Looking back at this week it was definitely a short one. I felt like I was able to complete my work in a timely manner. The three daily creates I did for the week were fun and interesting in my opinion. My favorite would have to be the one about something we can’t go a…

  • Where Did Week 7 Go?

    Week 7 to me went by super quick. I think only having three assignments played a role in the week flying by. Despite only having 3 assignments I enjoyed this week. The propaganda assignment and the PSA assignment were enjoyable to complete. For the Propaganda assignment I wanted to incorporate Leo Storm. My quote for…

  • Week 6 Summary

    As I look back on the week, I felt the week went by really quick. This week was another week based on video. As far as the assignments go, I thought they were fun and creative. For the first assignment, I chose option B, 3 video assignments from the assignment bank. At first, I was…