Week 6 Summary

As I look back on the week, I felt the week went by really quick. This week was another week based on video. As far as the assignments go, I thought they were fun and creative. For the first assignment, I chose option B, 3 video assignments from the assignment bank. At first, I was unsure which to pick. I wanted to do something that wasn’t too hard, so I didn’t have to stress but at the same time I wanted to do something that was a little bit challenging to test my creativity. I ended up choosing VideoAssignments2408,  VideoAssignments2746, and VideoAssignments846. I would have to say my favorite was VideoAssignments2746. Just the overall process of creating a video of Leo Storm talking was fun and in my opinion was one of my more creative approaches to an assignment. I used a website called blabberize.com to upload a picture of Leo Storm, this website allowed me to make an image look like it was talking. After I uploaded the photo, I used an Ai text to speech to record the poem. Once that was complete, I uploaded the file of the voice over of the poem and created my video.

Developing Leo Storm was an interesting assignment.  The goal was to connect Leo to Aggressive Technologies. I decide to write about him getting a job offer there but he is torn about keeping the job or leaving due to Aggressive Technologies ethical ways of doing things. This week was a lot of fun and can’t wait to see what is in store for next week. Until next time!


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