For this assignment I was tasked with making a video that represents who I am. However, instead of the video being about me I made the video about Leo Storm, my created Ai character. For the video I found pictures that represented Leo Storm. I used pictures of his hometown, favorite food and drink, education, etc… I uploaded these pictures to a software called Movavi Video and from there I created a video with all the pictures. The next thing I did was record a voice over explaining how each picture represented Leo. I used Audacity as my recording software. After that was complete, I downloaded the finished voice over and uploaded to Movavi Video. I made my final touches, making sure my voice over was in sync with the pictures. I downloaded the final product and that is what you see here. I hope you enjoy!


One response to “I Am Me”

  1. Rishi Shankar Avatar
    Rishi Shankar

    I really like how you incorporated your course character into this post and did a really good job at making it creative and intuitive. Keep up the good work!

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