Tag: spring24bond

  • Leo’s Trading Card

    For today’s daily create I created a trading card of Leo Storm, my created AI character. The stats I gave him are based on his real-life abilities and skills. As you can see Leo has overall decently good stats. After all he is good at what he does as an engineer. Hope y’all enjoy!

  • What The DS106

    For today’s daily create I had to write about the funniest thing that comes up when you search DS106. This is what I found the funniest thing to be after I looked this up on Microsoft Edge. Hope you guys enjoy and get a good kick out of this.

  • DS106 Radio Experience

    For this assignment we had to listen to one of our classmates’ radios show they created. I decided to listen to Pop Perceptive. Pop Perceptive looks into the AI side of Superheroes. The first that caught my attention was the music used. It was eye catching, and it was catchy, making the show fun and…

  • Old Dutch Tile

    For today’s daily create I had to create an old Dutch tile with a one liner on the tile. For my one liner I decided to choose the phrase ” Be Happy”. I chose this because I believe everyone in life should be happy, no one deserves to be depressed or sad. Hope you enjoy!

  • Week 10 Summary

    As this week comes to an end, I look back at what I accomplished as well as what my group accomplished. For starters we completed our radio show. We worked really hard on this project, and I think the finished product shows for our efforts. We used many different applications to create our show. We…

  • Week 2 Radio Show Progress

    I decided to wait till after I completed my radio show to write this progress blog. The reason I did that was I wanted to blog about my whole experience with the project. I also wanted to focus on getting it completed and turned in on time. Now let’s get into my experience of this…

  • Daily Chore

    For today’s daily create I am going to talk about my least favorite chore to do. My least favorite chore is washing the dishes because it takes a long time. A game me and my brother play to help get over doing the dishes is we time each other to see who can clean them…

  • Ruin A Book

    For today’s daily create I am ruining a book title by changing a single letter of the title. The book I am choosing to use is Moby Dick. Instead, the new title is Moby Sick. This new novel is about Captain Ahab’s adventure to discover why Moby is sick and what is causing his sickness.…

  • Week 9 In the Books

    As I look back at the week the first thing that stands out to me is the progress my group has made on the radio show. We have a couple of radio bumpers and introductions ready to pick from to incorporate in our radio show. All of our radio bumpers and introductions were made on…

  • Radio Show Progress

    As the week continues me and my group are making good progress on our radio show. We have some radio bumpers made as well as different intros made, so we can pick and choose which one we like the best for our radio show. We haven’t recorded anything yet, but our plan is to lay…