Tag: Assignmentbank

  • Three-Point Chatter Introduction

    This our introduction to our radio show. Creating this was simple. My first step was to find background music on Pixabay.com. Next using elevenlabs.io, an AI text to speech, I wrote my script for the introduction. Once both were complete, I downloaded both and uploaded them to Audacity and meshed them together. Here are the…

  • Three-Point Chatter Radio Bumper

    This is our radio bumper for our radio show. The process of creating this was simple. My first step was to find background music using pixabay.com. Next, I used elevenlabs.io, an AI text to speech, to write the script for the bumper. after both were complete, I downloaded both and uploaded to Audacity and meshed…

  • I Am Me

    For this assignment I was tasked with making a video that represents who I am. However, instead of the video being about me I made the video about Leo Storm, my created Ai character. For the video I found pictures that represented Leo Storm. I used pictures of his hometown, favorite food and drink, education,…

  • One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

    For this assignment I was tasked with recording myself reciting a poem. I decide to put a twist on it, instead of me reciting the poem Leo Storm, my created character, is reciting the poem. I chose One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish as my poem because it was one of my favorite…

  • Web Gem

    For this assignment I was tasked with compiling clips of me doing well in my sport and make it into a video. The process of creating this video wasn’t too difficult. I had some film from my high school season as well as my travel ball season. I took those clips and uploaded them to…

  • DJ Who?

    For this assignment, I had to make a sick beat, and this is what I came up with. I used different clips of assorted instrumental sounds. Hope you enjoy.

  • Boo! Did I Scary You?

    For this assignment I created a spooky audio clip using 5 different unique sounds. You can hear different elements such as a creaking door and suspensefully background audio. Hope you enjoy!

  • Breaking News!

    For this assignment I was tasked with creating a breaking news audio. I found a clip of an introduction of breaking news and added an AI text to speech of what I wanted to say. Hope you enjoy.

  • Wake Up!!!

    For my story I decided to keep it simple and try and recreate what a morning routine looks like. I tried to mimic to the best of my ability what a realistic morning for me sounds like. I know this isn’t the craziest or most unique story, but I feel like everyone could relate to…

  • Radio Bumper

    When creating my radio bumper, I chose a background sound of something catchy and fast pace. After I found my background sound, I added an AI text to speech of what I wanted my radio bumper to say. I present to you my radio bumper; hope you enjoy it!