Category: Daily Create

  • Fractalized Art

    For today’s daily create I had to create art using the Zazow Mandelbrot Fractal art tool. I probably spent 10 minutes just messing around with the image. Zooming in and out of different sections of the image. This is what I have created. Hope you enjoy.

  • My Crooning Oscillator

    For this daily create I created a crooning oscillator. At first, I was unsure what he was saying but, after thinking about what he had to say I think he was happy. He was expressing his joy and how happy is to be alive. Take a listen for yourself and let me know what you…

  • Pure

    For this daily create I had to upload a photo of something pure. My initial thought was something nature themed. I used to generate this image of a river and mountain range. I think this picture is as pure as it gets. Hope you like the picture!

  • Postage Stamp

    For this daily create I was tasked with creating a postage stamp using Photofunia. I decided to use my created AI character Leo Storm as my stamp image. I chose this image because we have been using our created characters for DS106 quite a bit and I felt it was a good fit for the…

  • JAWS But Backwards

    For this daily create I was tasked with taking a movie title and flipping it and putting it on an object. I decided to do JAWS on a surfboard. I chose JAWS because it was a simple title that could be reversed. I chose the surfboard to go along the theme of JAWS.

  • How Nice of You

    In response to today’s daily create I created this message in response to the compliment bot.

  • Captain Felix

    At first glance this image of Captain Felix is puzzling. Is he happy or is he upset? His facial expression is a mix of happy and sad. However, I think he’s happy because he just accomplished a great feat. Maybe he just flew across the country or maybe he is just happy he’s flying in…

  • Not So Secret Room

    This is my secret room entrance. Its appearance may not look super-secret but what’s behind the door is and will remain a mystery.

  • Look Up in the Sky!

    For today’s daily create I decided to go with the message ” believe in yourself”. I chose this because everyone needs a little reminder sometimes to believe in themselves when they are struggling or at a low.

  • Silk Threads

    Behold my silk thread creation.