Category: Daily Create

  • Rough Draft of a Quote

    For today’s daily create I am creating a rough draft of a quote that didn’t make it. I am using the quote “I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart; I am, I am, I am.” For my version of the quote that didn’t make it, the quote goes…

  • On the Internet 

    For today’s daily create I am explaining what else is true about the internet. The Internet is a vast global network that connects billions of devices worldwide, enabling instant communication, access to information, and online services. It creates economic growth, facilitates cultural exchange, revolutionizes education, and fosters innovation. However, it also poses security challenges. There…

  • Spiral Gyra

    For this daily create I have created a spiral gyra using Spiro Artwork :: Zazow. There really isn’t a specific pattern or inspiration, I was just doing whatever seemed most appealing to me. Hope you enjoy!

  • Leo’s Trading Card

    For today’s daily create I created a trading card of Leo Storm, my created AI character. The stats I gave him are based on his real-life abilities and skills. As you can see Leo has overall decently good stats. After all he is good at what he does as an engineer. Hope y’all enjoy!

  • What The DS106

    For today’s daily create I had to write about the funniest thing that comes up when you search DS106. This is what I found the funniest thing to be after I looked this up on Microsoft Edge. Hope you guys enjoy and get a good kick out of this.

  • Introducing the New and Improved Bicycle

    For today’s daily create I am showing a new design for a bicycle. I used an AI photo generator to create a new design. I used and in the prompt section I asked the AI to create a new and improved bicycle design. This is what the AI was able to produced. Hope you…

  • Endangered Language Poetry

    For today’s daily create I am showing an endangered language poem. The poem I have chosen is Lumic Lament. I chose this poem because it is it really goes into depth about the resilience of endangered languages and the efforts to preserve them against the passage of time. Hope you enjoy! Lumic Lament In the…

  • C D Hobbit

    For this daily create I had to respond to the Magic Realism Bot’s tweet of what happens next. Here is what I said in response to what would happen next. Hope you enjoy!

  • Old But New?

    For today’s daily create I have taken an old painting and put a modern twist to it. The painting I chose is The Starry Night by Van Gogh. I chose this because it is one of my favorite paintings and it’s a well-known classic. I used an AI photo generator by the name of…

  • What’s my Addiction

    For today’s daily create I am talking about something I can’t go a day without. With out being said my addiction is coffee. I have a cup every morning. I feel like I can’t function throughout the day without my coffee in the morning. It wakes me up in the working and it keeps me…